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Migraine therapy

Welcome to book a call where we can talk through what you would like help with.
I am a licensed psychologist and meet with clients for talk therapy. I offer in-depth conversations (individual therapy) where you gain more understanding of yourself, perspective and change. You can get help with migraines and other challenges. We book conversations at the reception in Östermalm in Stockholm or online.

What is migraine?

Migraine is a severe headache that occurs in attacks. The pain can be throbbing or pulsating, often on one side of the head. Aura may occur. During a migraine, symptoms often include nausea, difficulty concentrating, and sensitivity to sound and light. Many people experience muscle tension in the neck and shoulders.

The pain attacks can be so severe that one must withdraw from daily life and work for a few hours or a few days. After an attack, one often feels worn out and exhausted.

Living with migraine is challenging. The attacks often affect life quality as both the intensity and duration of the same mean significant interruptions in social activities and work. The person cannot plan for daily life and work, feels powerless after the attacks, and stress reactions may follow.

How is migraine treated?

Migraine is considered a chronic neurological disease where treatment primarily involves medication prescribed by a neurologist to prevent and alleviate the attacks. ISTDP (affect-focused) therapy for functional neurological problems like migraine can be effective. Learn more about therapy and functional neurological problems, chronic headache, and a book about migraine.

In affect-focused therapy, emotional conflicts can be treated. These inner conflicts may have arisen earlier in life and different events have left traces in the form of stress reactions and pain issues.

When emotions have been set aside, often unconsciously, and not processed, somatization can occur, i.e., experiencing physical problems such as pain instead of emotions. Being able to recognize, identify, and express (if deemed appropriate) emotions is crucial for self-understanding and others as well as for the quality of life. Learn more about research on therapy and emotions.

Migraine attacks are very debilitating when they occur but also taxing to recover from. Feelings of sadness for the constant interruptions in the flow of life and grief over the time that migraines have taken up often arise. This is an example of a healing factor in therapy where clients begin to confront emotionally charged events and experience and express what they feel in a safe conversational environment.

Another example of emotional processing is facing emotions that were previously avoided in relationships. Clients may talk about experiences of being rejected by loved ones or others and being expected to disregard their own needs. Neglect or trauma during upbringing can lead clients to develop physical symptoms alongside psychological ones. Learn more about relationship issues.

Effects of Migraine

Migraines have significant consequences as one cannot participate in social activities and work. The attacks take a lot of energy and strength. Chronic pain issues can develop.

Life becomes unpredictable with the attacks depending on how often and with what intensity they occur. Stress reactions, exhaustion, anxiety, and depression can follow. Sensitivity to physical exercise and other exertions can trigger migraines and headaches as sensitivity to stress has developed. It may become necessary to take sick leave during the times when one experiences pain.

Questions about who one is and wishes to be can lead to an existential crisis as one's own agency (ability to act) is affected.

Transformations through therapy 

The idea with therapy is that positive changes should occur. Through emotional processing of events in the present and past, good changes can happen. The most crucial aspect is that previous attacks and headaches decrease or disappear entirely. Then, stress reactions and the impact of chronic illness on life quality and mental health are reduced.

When symptoms are fewer or entirely absent, clients can begin to live more fully and experience joy and strength to participate in life with everyday activities, relationships, and work. They can plan and carry out desired activities. They no longer need to worry about having to cancel planned events or take sick leave from work. They feel better about themselves and others when they have regained the agency to participate in life.

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Affect-Focused Therapy and Migraine

We discuss what you wish to receive help with each session while we pay attention to reactions like inner unrest and also emotions that are usually avoided. We will explore how anxiety and stress reactions differ from emotions in affect-focused therapy. Getting closer to emotions is a way to understand and anchor oneself in the emotional system instead of experiencing anxiety and other stress reactions.

When someone says that "there are a lot of emotions," it often means that they have many thoughts at the same time and cannot find direction, but instead overthink, have anxiety, and worry. The sympathetic nervous system is activated, and we may feel that something bad is about to happen (an internal threat is perceived). On the other hand, emotions belong to the emotional system and closer to, for example, the parasympathetic system, and emotions can provide calm and certainty, even direction for what one wants and needs.

After recognizing that migraine is a chronic illness, we will discuss what it is like to live with a chronic illness. Clients talk about sadness and resignation as they describe how life and everyday activities are continuously interrupted by migraines. They cannot plan well and live as they wish. They feel stressed because they do not have enough time and feel resigned to having to accept the interruptions. You will learn to experience emotions and thereby reduce anxiety and feel more agency and emotional presence. Learn more about research on therapy and emotions and about therapy at Psychological Forum and Maria Sandgren.

See more reasons for therapy


Stress & burnout - Contact a psychologist for guidance

Maria Sandgren, licensed psychologist with extensive experience, offers therapy at a private practice in central Stockholm as well as via online visits.


I will help you find the arrangement that best meets your needs, regardless of whether you prefer digital meetings or visits to the reception.

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