About Maria Sandgren
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Registered psychologist with a psychology degree from Uppsala University (1997) specializing in psychodynamic therapy.
PhD in psychology, Stockholm University (2005) with a thesis on factors underlying professional development (well-being, personality, learning, and performance) in music. Award for best doctoral dissertation, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.
Participated in the first ISTDP (Intensive Short-Term Dynamic therapy) core training (2012-2015) in Sweden with Professor Allan Abbas, Canada, and MSW Jon Frederickson, USA. Continued with ISTDP advanced training (2021-2022) with Professor Allan Abbas and Dr Joel Town, Clinical Psychologist, Canada.
Various courses on university level in French and German, drama/theatre/film, pedagogy, group processes, photography (theoretically, practically), etc., at Stockholm University, Umeå University, Karolinska Institutet, and Gothenburg University.
My research focuses on social psychology (attitudes, gender equality, political orientation), work psychology (interpersonal conflicts in working life), and music psychology (well-being, choral singing, elderly, artistic development). Affiliated researcher at Mälardalen University, Sweden.